Buy Wheat Bran

Buy Wheat Bran

Details   Wheat bran is a component in the whole wheat grain, and contains a high amount of fibre as well as other nutrients like protein, calcium and iron. Many times, this ingredient is added to healthy muffin recipes to increase the nutrient content, as well as to create a heavier, denser muffin or cake.


Certified Organic Wheat Flours, Grain, Bran & Semolina

Certified Organic Wheat Flours, Grain, Bran & Semolina

Wheat is one of the oldest and most important cultivated food plants. Like all the seven grains, wheat is a member of the grass family. It prefers good fertility levels and sufficient moisture throughout the growing season.

Wheat is mostly used for baking bread and cakes. There are 3 main types of wheat:
  • So called biscuit wheat with a lower protein content ideal for cakes and pastries
  • Durum wheat, a very hard variety for making pasta
  • Hard or bread wheats with high protein levels and good baking characteristics.
Milmore Downs and partner farms grow hard wheat varieties with excellent baking strength.

All wheat products are BioGro certified